Read and Say. Then Sing and Play

About The Demo - Guitar Edition

The Music Reader's Toolbox - Guitar Edition is for everyone interested in learning to play guitar.

Parents of young guitarists will appreciate the clarity and depth of the information.

Experienced musicians, with a need to improve their knowledge, will use The Music Reader's Toolbox to fill in the blank spaces that restrict their progress.

Music teachers will enjoy the unique approach and freshness of my technique for explaining how the theory of music works.


The Music Reader's Toolbox - Guitar Edition is in 5 parts. The fretboard, scales, reading music, modes and chords and the creativity section which brings everything together. The 5 demos show the clarity of the graphics and the preciseness of the text. Each demo contains a sample section from the 200 pages in their full version.

Screenshots from the full edition can be seen on the 5 pages containing links to the demos.

From the menu above choose which demo to watch first. I recommend starting with the fretboard.

The Music Reader's Toolbox - Guitar Edition encourages guitar players, young and old, to know their instrument and become creative by reading from the stave.

Other editions, to help vocalists and instrumentalists, will be available during the year.

Thank you, enjoy The Music Reader's Toolbox™ and use the top menu as your guide.

Stave Breakthrough™ copyright © Len Collins 2014 onwards. The Music Reader's Toolbox © Len Collins 2020 onwards.
[Home][Fretboard][Scales][Reading music][Modes - Chords][Creativity][World Record]